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our 10th year
blog anniversary

Category: Blog

Alter Ego Trusts and Joint Partner Trusts: The Ideal Candidate

Alter Ego Trusts (“AETs”) and Joint Partner Trusts (“JPTs”) are effective tools to assist in probate and incapacity planning. AETs and JPTs are inter vivos trusts (meaning they are set up during a person’s lifetime), to which persons 65 years or older can transfer assets on a tax-deferred basis. An

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Death Taxes: Good or Bad and Why Do We Have Them?

In early February, I had the opportunity and pleasure of participating in a panel discussion of lawyers from several jurisdictions, including the U.S., Mexico, and Italy, at an international legal conference on the interesting topic “Inheritance Tax – Should More Countries Implement It?”. We discussed and compared how our different

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Tax Reform Revealed: Will the U.S. Become the Best Next Tax Haven?

On April 26, 2017, with great fan-fare, the White House announced bold proposals for tax reform, the primary objective of which is to stimulate economic growth. These reforms could be a real game-changer if they succeed in creating new jobs, fuelling economic expansion, and making the U.S. more competitive –

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So You Don’t Want to Be a U.S. Citizen?

Statistics tell us that the number of U.S. citizens who expatriated from, or renounced, their U.S. citizenship has risen dramatically in the past few years. A big part of this rise has to do with increasingly onerous U.S. income tax filing and reporting obligations, combined with scrutiny of foreign accounts

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Trusts – It’s Not All About the Tax

While there are several tax reasons to consider a trust for current and future planning, sometimes the best reasons to set up a trust now or in a will have nothing to do with tax. Three excellent reasons to use a trust? Matrimonial issues, protecting children and wealth preservation. •

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A warm welcome to our inaugural blog post. In our future posts, we hope to provide concise, cogent and creative thoughts, ideas, perspectives and information on trust and estate matters, with a focus on cross-border, multi-jurisdictional and domestic issues. Over the next while, we will deal with a number of

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